
Under no circumstances do the Editors forward letters from readers to other persons nor do they answer correspondence making such requests.


Dear Sirs:

I would like to congratulate you on the March issue. I think it was one of the best issues you have ever put out. Even the cover was better than ever. Let's have more drawings by Mort, less by E.E.

Dear Sir:

Mr. I. Houston, Texas

About your dreadful March fiction: You had to go so far to translate from French a story like that one you printed? I would suggest a better title than "The New Butcher Boy. Why not, "From the Diary of a Peeping Queen'? Gentlemen, where is your good taste?

Dear Don Slater:


Mr. S.

Los Angeles, Calif.

That fellow Steuart (March, 1961) shows a remarkable insight into his own problem. Madmen are like drowning men: they want to drag everyone down with them. Why is it that men are not content to be crazy in silence? Why do they insist on telling everybody?

But I have a question: What does Steuart intend doing with the "perverts"? Surely he realizes that there will be a small percentage who will insist on being heterosexuals! Will he outlaw them from his Utopia? Or will he merely ostracize them and allow them to organize and publish (perish the thought!) a Heterosexual Magazine? Some future madman. might even suggest a heterosexual culture! I know it's silly perhaps madness to ask — such questions, but I've been reading G. B. Shaw, and you know what that means!

He has said, "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.

"When a man wants to murder a tiger he

calls it sport; when the tiger wants to murder him he calls it ferocity. The distinction between Crime and Justice is no greater."

Dear ONE:

Mr. F. Sacramento, Calif.

How could you have suffered a complete paralysis of all good taste and judgment in printing that vile and demented tripe, "Homosexual Procreation"? It's only comprehensible if motivated by some kind of suicidal death wish, since nothing you have ever printed is better designed to provide material for all your enemies with which to destroy you.

The article preaches an arrogant, hatefilled attitude towards heterosexuals, insisting on homosexual superiority. It monstrously advocates homosexual enslavement for the superman-offspring of artificially inseminated Lesbian breeders.

I am admittedly perhaps extra bitter that you see fit to print such totally worthless tripe and yet cannot find space for my own wasted contribution, "A New Theory of Male Homosexuality," which is enlightening, constructive and sense-making, as I'm sure you'd find confirmed if you printed it.

Dear ONE:

Noel I. Garde New York, N. Y.

It will be very helpful to know what type of responses you are getting from my article, "Homosexual Procreation." Knowing something of depth psychology, dead silence should be predominant. Then there should be some who agree with the footnote (on medical reports); others will say it is crazy and mad; some will cry religion; the rest will say we shouldn't treat heterosexuals mean like they treat us, or other such typical nellie, swishy homosexual responses.

The average Gay person who holds down a job goes out to a Gay Bar and picks up a trick, feeling that everything is fine and